New publication in Environmental Communication
Nikita Basov's new study in Environmental Communication, "The Space of Coordination," explores environmental communication as a dynamic space integrating diverse expert knowledges.

Our colleague, , has recently published a study, , in Environmental Communication.
The authors propose an account of environmental communication as a dynamic space involving multiple expert knowledges to address growing diversity of expert knowledges in environmental communication.
To enable this account, they offer a computer-assisted mapping technique relating these knowledges to each other at various time points.
The authors illustrate the proposed approach with a case study on flood risk management in the UK, where diverse expert groups have been engaged in a shared communication space which enabled coordination of their knowledges over time.
They conclude that researchers can use the proposed technique to trace knowledge dynamics in environmental communication. Communication practitioners can use it to map thematic areas that experts specialise in, identify knowledge gaps, find relevant documents, and facilitate expert communication.