Welcome to Dr Mariana De Araujo Cunha
Mariana joined the department as a Lecturer in Social Statistics in January 2025.

Prior to starting the position, Mariana was working on her PhD in Sociology at the University of Oxford. Her PhD was titled “” and explores only-child fertility from a sociodemographic perspective.
At the University of Oxford she also worked as a research assistant on the project “Digital Gender Gaps”, focusing on combining traditional surveys and big data for population analysis. Her main research interests are family demography, fertility and the use of formal demographic methods for exploring changes in kinship networks.
Since joining Թϱ, she has been co-teaching in SOST10012-Understanding Social Media Data and SOST2002-Essentials of Survey Design and Analysis.
Prior to moving to the UK, Mariana trained as a demographer at the Centre for Development and Regional Planning (Cedeplar) in Brazil, where she was awarded an MSc, and developed her research interests in family demography, as well as formal demographic methods.